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A project co-founded by the European Parliament ro encourage the partcicipation of citizens in the vote for the next European elections of June 2024.

Di cosa si tratta?

Youth Intra-Dialogue on Europe and Africa (Y-IDEA) è un progetto che mira a promuovere la comprensione e la collaborazione tra i giovani europei e africani attraverso il dialogo su temi come migrazione, sviluppo, istruzione, democrazia e sostenibilità, sottolineando il futuro interconnesso dei due continenti.

How can we improve the future relationship between the European Union and the African Union?

Y-IDEA is made up of several working groups working in English, French and Italian focusing on:
peace and security, migration and human rights, natural resources, finance and development, institutions and governance, climate change, food security and agriculture, health and education, migration and mobility. 

The main question driving  Y-IDEA's work is " How can we improve the future relations between the European Union and the African Union?''

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Institutions and Governance

Discover ourposition paper

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Climate changes

Discover ourposition paper



Youth as an active part of society

May 19, 2022
Youth as a connection between society and institutions📣



The ideas of young Europeans

May 20, 2022

Young Africans and Europeans meet to discuss and propose effective common policies.



African European Youth Conference

22 and 23 October 2022

Young Africans and Europeans meet to discuss and propose effective common policies.

Our Reports.

You can download here the reports produced by our team, following events organized or in which we took part with our delegation!

Report AEYC
October 2022

Report WFF FAO

Webinar 17.10

About us

The European institutions should look to the African continent as an equal partner, an indispensable ally in multilateral bodies.

European Linkiesta

Our partners

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