The stages of the project
Presentation Proposal
March-April 2021
Start of project activity
February 2022
Expected deadline Activity
June 2023
All the partner realities have been part of the "Youth Network 2021", an informal initiative born from the shared commitment of over 70 organizations, including informal groups, associations, which focus exclusively on communicating the needs of the younger generation through communication campaigns on social media.
We have been selected and the project involves the creation of training and education activities etc... Our association within the project carried out 2 face-to-face event, 3 online events.
End of the project.
What is it about?
GAPit is a participatory activity that arises from the experience of collaboration between some youth organizations.GAP - Young Activists* for Participationis a YPA Erasmus+ project which aims to put young people at the center of current issues in our country.
The stages of the project
Presentation Proposal
March-April 2021
Start of project activity
February 2022
Expected deadline Activity
June 2023
All the partner realities have been part of the "Youth Network 2021", an informal initiative born from the shared commitment of over 70 organizations, including informal groups, associations, which focus exclusively on communicating the needs of the younger generation through communication campaigns on social media.
We have been selected and the project involves the creation of training and education activities etc... Our association within the project carried out 2 face-to-face event, 3 online events.
End of the project.
Our partners
